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Vision Multi Academy Trust

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Vision House, Higher Lane, Whitefield, Manchester, M45 7FX

0161 711 1540


School Converting

Vision Multi Academy Trust exists to serve the needs of all pupils and in so doing seeks a productive partnership with the schools with whom it works. This partnership will be different in nature between schools that are required to transfer to academy status and those that choose to convert. We seek to build strong partnerships with school leaders and local governing bodies  and for schools converting to academy status there are clear advantages to working with the Trust and they may be summarised as follows;

  • Access to the full range of support services, including HR, Finance, legal advice and premises, delivering quality and value for money across the Trust. Direct support for school leaders and governors in the development of a strong and sustained trajectory of school improvement through management support including data analysis and follow up, appraisal and CPD and governor support and training.
  • Direct support in the classroom from the Trust’s team of highly effective school improvers.
  • Opportunities to work in other schools as leaders, coaches and direct classroom support and/or in an advisory capacity for other Trust activities.
  • A leadership role in the Trust, helping to monitor and evaluate all Trust activities including opportunities to take advantage of procurement arrangements designed to reduce costs across the Trust thus helping maximise resources for school improvement.
  • Potential for staff in schools with appropriate expertise to work across the Trust, having “cross Trust roles” that can then be recognised professionally and financially.

The above provides colleagues in schools with a range of activities and experiences that can enhance and enrich their current work in school while remaining focused on the core business of providing the highest quality education for all pupils. Our aspirations for our schools include our converter schools achieving teaching school status (supporting other Trust schools and other schools in their area) and having a central role in school improvement across the Trust.